
School Board

 NCHS Board Members 
Shawn Cook,  [email protected]
 Heather Maschhoff, [email protected]
Keith Suedmeyer,  [email protected]
Eric Behrmann, [email protected]
Randy Schwartzkopf, [email protected]
 Jeremy Bultman[email protected]
 Zach Kabat, [email protected]
District Treasurer: Courtney Price
[email protected]

NCHS Board Links:
1. School Board Meeting Information
2. School Report Card 2023-24
3. Policies
4. Financial Information
5. Access to District Public Records
6. NCHS 2024-2025 Parent Handbook
7. School Wellness Policy
8. Completed Wellness Assessment
9. Required Board Training Information
10. NCHS Bullying Policy

11. PUNS System -
NCHS Liason (Jennifer Maschhoff)

12. Title IX Training

 13. Threat Assessment Plan

 14. Attendance and Truancy Policy

 15. Section 504 Notice
  NCHS Contract Information
Association Contract 2023-2026
Contracts Exceeding $25,000 FY22